Satellites will rise from our bones


Artists: Irmina Rusicka, Kasper Lecnim
Exhibition title: Satellites will rise from our bones
Curated by: Kasia Sobczak
Venue: Goyki 3 Art Inkubator, Sopot, Poland

Once upon a time, Cato the Elder concluded each of his speeches with the sentence that Carthage must be destroyed. Cato's dislike of the city did not come from nowhere - he remembered the Battle of Cannae, in which a Carthaginian commander crushed the armies of the Roman Empire, and the Eternal City was alive with the words “Hannibal at the gates”.

Today, complacent chortle can still be heard from Cato's grave; after all, Carthage is a ruin. However, Hannibal at the gates is a different enemy, a different avenger - an enchanting technology on a micro and macro scale, cutting through the sky and boring mole corridors into the flesh. Those who would like to nip it in the bud are faced with a daunting task: they have to go back to the soot black times, when the first hominid reached for someone else's bone and chase away through the steppe the forefather who wants to strike a blow against nature with his emerging culture. Let him not even dream that a bone can someday hang in space, against the laws of the Earth and God at the same time.

In Irmina Rusicka and Kasper Lecnim's exhibition, the bones and satellites of the title are the history of everything human - the life-giving progress and its victims, the persistent dreams of flying and, above all, the ashes of catastrophes, from which new, faster and shinier missiles can be shaped, aimed at the black horror of the cosmos. If anyone is to blame for the steel bones hanging in the Earth's orbit, it is only the first no-longer-monkey, who made a sentence on himself out of bones. And the animals in the garden looked at the bone, then at the satellite, then at the bone again, then at the satellite again, but no one could figure out what was what.

Text: Aleksy Wójtowicz
Ttranslation: Kasia Sobczak